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Discrimination Law Association homepage Discrimination Law Association


Over the years, the DLA has established a reputation for its knowledge, expertise and understanding of discrimination law issues. Government departments and other statutory agencies regularly seek our views on changes and development in law and policy areas.

Participation from members ensures that our contributions to policy and public debates are grounded in and informed by the experiences of those affected by discrimination cases and issues on a daily basis.

This page lists all of the submissions and responses that the DLA has made to government and European Commission consultations, as well as contributions it has made to research, surveys and consultations by other organisations. The most recent submissions are listed first.

As an added resource, for some consultations we have added links to the responses from other organisations.

  1. November 2015 Women and Equalities Committee Inquiry into the Gender Pay Gap for Women over 40 - DLA response
  2. October 2015 Justice Committee: courts and tribunals fees and charges inquiry
  3. September 2015 Home Office consultation on “Reforming support for failed asylum seekers and other illegal migrants
  4. September 2015 GEO Consultation - Gender Pay Gap
  5. September 2015 Call for evidence - House of Lords Select Committee on the Equality Act 2010 and Disability
  6. August 2015 2021 Census - consultation carried out by the Office of National Statistics on the 2021 Census
  7. August 2015 TRANSGENDER EQUALITY - Submission to the Women and Equalities Committee Transgender Equality Inquiry
  8. March 2015 Best Value Statutory Guidance consultation by the Department of Communities and Local Government
  9. February 2015 How should Employment Tribunals operate in the future?
  10. January 2015 The Census and future provision of population statistics
  11. December 2014 EHRC litigation strategy review consultation - December 2014
  12. May 2014 EHRC draft supplementary Code on age discrimination
  13. March 2014 Welsh Declaration of the Rights of Older People
  14. March 2014 Welsh Government’s consultation on Draft Children’s Rights Scheme 2014
  15. February 2014 ECHR/ECtHR - Review of Longer-Term Future
  16. January 2014 Balance of Competences
  17. November 2013 JCHR call for evidence - Judicial Review
  18. November 2013 Judicial Review
  19. September 2013 Hate Crime
  20. September 2013 Stop & Search
  21. September 2013 Draft Deregulation Bill - clause 2
  22. August 2013 Migrant access and their financial contribution to NHS provision in England
  23. August 2013 Tackling illegal immigration in privately rented accommodation
  24. August 2013 Illegal Working / Civil Penalty consultation
  25. August 2013 Diversity in the Judiciary