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Discrimination Law Association homepage Discrimination Law Association

Practitioner group meetings

PGMs provide a unique opportunity for members to discuss discrimination law matters in an informal setting with diverse experts and practitioners. They are of particular interest to those advising and representing complainants. It is possible to join on the day to attend a PGM.

PGMs attract CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points through the Bar Standards Board and the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

Meetings are usually in London, although the DLA hopes to make certain future meetings available by podcast through the website.

The views expressed during these meetings do not necessarily reflect the views of the DLA, and the DLA cannot be held responsible for any opinions or advice shared during PGMs, which constitute informal discussions between members.

  1. June 2024 PGM: "Indirect Disability Discrimination" - speaker: Paul Smith - 27th June 2024
  2. June 2024 PGM "Equality Act updates" - speaker: Declan O'Dempsey - 13 June 2024
  3. March 2024 Settlements in discrimination claims - Imogen Brown (Cloisters) & Clare Fowler (YESS) - 7 March 2024
  4. February 2024 Case Preparation/Management - speaker: Jude Shepherd - 19th February 2024
  5. February 2024 Habib: the ETBB strikes back - speaker: John Horan - 5th February 2024
  6. December 2023 Disclosure and Demeanour - speaker: Gus Baker - 13 December 2023
  7. November 2023 Shifting the burden of proof - speaker: Jeffrey Jupp 7BR - 23 November 2023
  8. November 2023 Religion/Belief Discrimination - Naomi Cunningham - 14 November 2023
  9. May 2023 Unincorporated UN treaties - Louise Price - 11th May 2023
  10. April 2023 Making Class a Protected Characteristic - Geraldine Van Bueren KC & Chris Milsom - 27th April 2023
  11. December 2021 ET Remedies - clowns to the left, jokers to the right - how to avoid being stuck in the middle - Rebecca Tuck QC - 8th December 2021
  12. September 2021 Menopause discrimination - 7 September 2021 - discussion to guide the DLA’s response to the WEC call for evidence
  13. December 2020 Complex Gender Identities and the Equality Act - Robin Moira White - 15 December 2020
  14. July 2020 Online seminar: "Discriminatory policing, justice and the right to protest during Covid" delivered via zoom - 16 July 2020
  15. May 2020 PGM: online Roundtable on "Covid-19 and discrimination law: some tricky issues" via Zoom on 27 May 2020
  16. October 2019 Discrimination Case Updates - Manchester - 21st October 2019
  17. July 2019 PGM: "Using the Equality Act 2010 in Housing Law" speaker: Toby Vanhegan of 4-5 Grays Inn Square Chambers - 27 June 2019
  18. May 2019 "Mental Health and Race" speaker: Stephen Heath of Mind - Tuesday 21st May 2019
  19. May 2019 Essop v UKBA Part II - 7 years on - Justification in Indirect Discrimination claims - Nicola Braganza (Garden Ct) Wed 1 May 2019
  20. April 2019 Discrimination update Manchester - speakers: Heather Williams (EHRC) and Michelle Gyimah (Director: Equality Pays) 18 March 2019
  21. April 2019 Religion and belief discrimination - speaker: Declan O'Dempsey of Cloisters Chambers - Tuesday, 5th March 2019
  22. January 2019 Sexual harassment and abuse proceedings in the civil courts - Suzanne McKie, Farore Law - Wednesday 16 January 2019
  23. December 2018 DLA West Midlands PGM: Indirect Discrimination update - Wednesday 5 December 2018
  24. October 2018 Recent developments in maternity and parental rights at work - Katie Wood of Maternity Action - 17 October 2018
  25. September 2018 Gender Pay Gap: Tactics and Strategies for Litigation - Eleena Misra - 10 September 2018