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Discrimination Law Association homepage Discrimination Law Association


Over the years, the DLA has established a reputation for its knowledge, expertise and understanding of discrimination law issues. Government departments and other statutory agencies regularly seek our views on changes and development in law and policy areas.

Participation from members ensures that our contributions to policy and public debates are grounded in and informed by the experiences of those affected by discrimination cases and issues on a daily basis.

This page lists all of the submissions and responses that the DLA has made to government and European Commission consultations, as well as contributions it has made to research, surveys and consultations by other organisations. The most recent submissions are listed first.

As an added resource, for some consultations we have added links to the responses from other organisations.

  1. April 2008 Disability Bill - New Clause 15 Relationships Between Locally-Electable Authoritiesand theirMembers
  2. April 2008 Draft Disability Discrimination Bill
  3. April 2008 Diversity in the Judiciary
  4. April 2008 Legal Aid Inquiry
  5. April 2008 Achieving Change - Enforcement Powers of the Equality Commissions
  6. April 2008 DRC Trade Organisations and Qualifications Bodies Draft Code of Practice
  7. April 2008 DRC Employment and Occupation Draft Code of Practice
  8. April 2008 Constitutional Reform - A Supreme Court for the United Kingdom
  9. April 2008 Constitutional Reform - A New Way of Appointing Judges
  10. April 2008 Constitutional Reform - the future of Queen"s Counsel
  11. April 2008 Equality and Diversity - Age Matters
  12. April 2008 Religion or Belief and Sexual Orientation Discrimination occupational pensions
  13. April 2008 Equality and Diversity the Way Ahead - The Proposed New Anti-Discrimination Regulations
  14. April 2008 ACAS Draft Guidance in respect of Religion and Belief in the Workplace and Sexual Orientation
  15. April 2008 Consultation on the Simplification and Improvement of Legislation in the Area of EqualTreatment between Men and Women
  16. April 2008 CRE Draft Legal Strategy 2003
  17. April 2008 Draft Gender Recognition Bill
  18. April 2008 Disability Discrimination Act (Amendment) (Pensions) Regulations 2003
  19. April 2008 Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003
  20. April 2008 Law Society Regulation Review Working Party Consultation on the Anti-Discrimination Rule