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Your help sought for MoJ Call for Evidence on costs protection for discrimination claims

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Back in December of last year, we asked for volunteers to join a working group to draft a response on behalf of the DLA to the Government’s recently launched Call for Evidence (details) which seeks views on whether costs protection should be extended to discrimination claims in civil courts in England and Wales. We are pleased to say that half-a-dozen members kindly came forward to form a working group led by Catherine Casserley of Cloisters Chambers (who was involved in R (Leighton) v Lord Chancellor [2020]).

The group has been working hard to decide how best to gather evidence to feed into the DLA’s response and have put together a number of questions in a Google Form which we are now circulating to all our members with the request:

  • to answer the questions in the Form yourself if you have relevant experience
  • to forward the Form to your colleagues and networks, via email and social media so that we get as wide a coverage as possible.

The link to the Google Form is here:

Please be assured that your personal responses will be anonymised and we will share the results of the survey and our consultation response with you. Personal data will not be shared with third parties and will be held by the DLA.

We would be grateful if you would submit your Forms by cob Friday 31st January at the latest so that the working group still has time to collate all the data gathered before the MoJ deadline of 19th February.

If you require assistance in accessing or completing this form or have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact our Administrator: Chris Atkinson on [email protected].