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Discrimination Law Association homepage Discrimination Law Association


Over the years, the DLA has established a reputation for its knowledge, expertise and understanding of discrimination law issues. Government departments and other statutory agencies regularly seek our views on changes and development in law and policy areas.

Participation from members ensures that our contributions to policy and public debates are grounded in and informed by the experiences of those affected by discrimination cases and issues on a daily basis.

This page lists all of the submissions and responses that the DLA has made to government and European Commission consultations, as well as contributions it has made to research, surveys and consultations by other organisations. The most recent submissions are listed first.

As an added resource, for some consultations we have added links to the responses from other organisations.

  1. March 2024 MoJ proposal to reintroduce fees in the ET and EAT - March 2024
  2. December 2022 CALL FOR EVIDENCE RESPONSE - ASYLUM SEEKERS IN THE UK - the DLA has submitted a comprehensive and forthright response to the Call for Evidence issued by the Joint Committee on Human Rights regarding the Human Rights of Asylum Seekers in the UK
  3. July 2022 WEC Report on Menopause in the Workplace - July 2022
  4. July 2022 Supplementary evidence to WEC re S14 - following a request from the WEC for supplementary evidence as to whether section 14 of the Equality Act (combined discrimination/dual discrimination provision) should be introduced, DLA produced a detailed response
  5. June 2022 Review of EHRC as an NHRI - June 2022
  6. March 2022 Human Rights Act review - March 2022
  7. January 2022 Oral evidence to Woman and Equalities Committee re menopause discrimination - 19 January 2022
  8. October 2021 WEC call for evidence - Menopause Discrimination in the Workplace - October 2021
  9. September 2021 House of Lords Liaison Committee has published its follow-up report "Equality Act 2010: the impact on disabled people" Sept 2021
  10. July 2021 DLA gives evidence to Disability Select Committee follow-up session to their Report on Disability & Equality Act 2010: July 2021
  11. October 2020 Independent Review of Administrative Law call for evidence (questioning the Judicial Review process) - DLA response - Oct 2020
  12. April 2020 WEC inquiry on impact of Coronavirus on people with protected characteristics - your FURTHER input sought
  13. February 2020 EHRC Roundtable on reforming the Public Sector Equality Duty specific duties on Thursday, 13th February 2020 - your views sought
  14. June 2019 The use of non-disclosure agreements in discrimination cases inquiry - Women and Equalities Committee report published June 2019
  15. January 2019 Consultation on ethnicity pay reporting (Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy and Race Disparity Unit) Jan 2019
  16. October 2018 Enforcing the Equality Act: the law and the role of the EHRC - Inquiry by the Women and Equalities Committee - October 2018
  17. September 2017 “Caste in Great Britain and Equality Law: A public consultation” - DLA response - September 2017
  18. February 2017 Reforming the Employment Tribunal System consultation - January 2017
  19. November 2016 House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee inquiry on Ensuring strong equalities legislation outside the EU - 9 Nov 2016
  20. October 2016 Mandatory Gender Pay Gap Reporting - Public Sector Employers - October 2016
  21. May 2016 Compensation for Loss of Pension Rights in Employment Tribunals - May 2016
  22. May 2016 Access to Justice - Bach Commission call for Evidence - May 2016
  23. March 2016 Civil Courts Structure Review: Interim Report - February 2016
  24. February 2016 Gender Pay Gap - evidence to Women and Equalities Select Committee - 26 January 2016
  25. January 2016 Immigration Bill briefing note - House of Lords Committee Stage - January 2016