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Vol 84 (1113-1126) March 2025: read the latest edition of Briefings - also we start RECRUITMENT PROCESS FOR NEW EDITOR FOR BRIEFINGS - DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS 30 MARCH

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This edition marks a turning point in the history of Briefings as very sadly the dynamic duo (namely Geraldine Scullion: editor and Alison Beanland: graphic designer) who have been the powerhouse behind our journal for many long years have finally decided to hang up their stirrups. We are profoundly grateful to them both for all their hard work over this time but this will be their last edition (you can read more about this here).

However, this, of course, creates an opportunity for two new talents to make their mark. So for the immediate future we are looking for a new freelance editor who can step up and produce the content for our July edition in the first instance and then subsequent editions, three times a year.

If you are interested in applying for this role, you can find:

by clicking on the links. If you know someone who might be interested, please feel free to forward them this information.

The deadline for applications is midnight on Sunday 30th March 2025 - please send completed application and monitoring forms to our Administrator [email protected]. All applicants will be sent an acknowledgement of receipt. Shortlisted applicants will be sent a task to complete and an invitation to attend an online interview, provisionally on an evening during the period 7th-11th April. The successful candidate would be expected to start work on 1st May.

The recruitment process for the graphic designer will take place separately and will be announced in due course.

You can read the retirement announcement for Geraldine and Alison here.
